New Patient Registration

Individuals wishing to register at the practice should complete and sign registration forms. Please click the link below and send by post or email ( ) or collect the forms from the health centre and either fill in on the premises or take it home to complete and return it to us.
Please note: If you have newly arrived in Shetland you will be asked to bring photographic identification. This is not compulsory.
Registration Form
If you would like to have an appointment for a “new patient check” please arrange this with the receptionist.
If you are on repeat medication please make an appointment to see a doctor so they can review your prescription.
Scalloway Health Centre is a Group Practice. This means that although you may be registered with one GP partner, you are free to see any of the GP’s. If you wish to see a particular GP this can be arranged when booking your appointment, although you may occasionally experience a delay, especially at holiday times.
For registration at the practice, individuals should be resident in the following areas: Scalloway, Trondra, Burra, Tingwall, Whiteness, Weisdale and Girlsta.
As a temporary resident patient we do not have access to your medical records, these are held by your home practice. Please be aware that if your medical need is NOT urgent you may be asked to visit your local GP at your home practice.
Please note that local pharmacies may be able to provide you with medication that is prescribed regularly but not on repeat prescription and also with missing medication for Scotland residents.
If your medical need is urgent please attend the health centre where you will be asked to fill in a temporary resident form and an appointment can be arranged.